What Protection Officer DPO

The imminent arrival of the GDPR/PDPA legislation has also seen a sharp rise in the amount of Data Protection Officer (DPO) roles in companies. This is the person appointed by the company to deal with GDPR/PDPA issues. The presence of a DPO is not always obligatory according to the regulation. It depends on the type and amount of data that the company collects, whether processing is your main business, and if you do it on a large scale.

According to the International Association of Privacy Professionals (IAPP), more than 28000 DPO’S will be needed in Europe due to GDPR, and approximately 75000 globally. The need for DPO’s is expected to be particularly high in any data-rich industries, such as technology, but the demand is likely to permeate through the economy.

The fact is that even if your business doesn’t need a proper DPO appointed, at some point, you must have a professional on your team ready to deal with the GDPR and PDPA regulation. Almost all enterprises hold some data from their clients and those are becoming more and more aware of their rights and how to proceed in case of suspicion of data breach.

Lim & Partner, Executive Search Consulting, is an affiliated company to the ADD Group, and member of Praxi Alliance Global Network.

The professional team will bring you all the expertise and support in your IT hiring needs such as CSO for your CIS, as well as DPO search.
